Nice, huh? I think so. Stupid stuff from the dump-truck-and-police-force-brigade- parade here in Bloomington. Rumor has it Linton's was better--I mean, at least they had a band play. Sheesh. I wanted to take Lilly to see how she would respond.
My favorite comment came from a man in one of the colour photos. At one point (there were several) in the parade, people would emerge from their police cars, wagons, trucks, etc. and pass out hard candy to the crowd. The Republicans came through and this guy said to his grandkids, "Don't accept candy from Republicans--you don't know where it's been."
This was my first holiday in the states since my daughter's birth. Usually I am out of country. Last summer Japan, two years ago it was the U.K., Prior to that, Germany and central Europe.
Lilly and I were home before 8p.m. after the Contra gathering and the best organically grown food in Bloomington, I closed the windows and doors so tightly that not even a firecracker could break the sound barrier. It was just another quiet night for us.
So if you ask me what I did for 4th of July? I'll say, " Was it the 4th? I must have missed it again." Or, "Sorry I am not practicing holidays of any kind this year. Too emotional." That usually shuts people up good and quick. Stupid thoughtless mid-western fuckers.
It always feels good to clean house on occasion. I did so tonight with my contact list. I like purging. It feels a lot like what I assume salvation must be. Joy and pain.
Someone put out their cigarette butt in my door knocker the other night. I am not sure what to think about that, but every morning I check the car for fresh key marks. I wonder how you can become someone's enemy without ever knowing them. Must be how the Iraq's feel about us...whose to say?
Going to bed uneasy. Tomorrow I find a new coffee shop to hang out....I can't deal with 22 yr old drama queens any more.
Funny what a young girl in a tightly fitted dress and her long brown tresses up in a messy bun can do to a man. (And this is the part where you remind me that all men are the same, but if I had on a tight dress 'he' would respond exactly the same way...well, perhaps if I were ten years younger and wearing a long, brunette wig...)