like mother, like daughter
taken Sunday, October 1, 2006
While walking out with my boss last week, she commented on how different I was this year. "You seem so vibrant, grounded.."
I smiled and said, "Yes, I am back."
To be honest, I am better than I ever have been. The old me was such a different person than who I am now. Was I really ever there to start? Needless to say, things are good. Finally, at 36 1/2, things are great.
Lilly and I took a long walk today to "the forest". We explored and found mushrooms, 2 deer, an assortment of wild native flowers and spider webs.
I thought to myself of a few men that I know who spend too much time at work. I could say this about myself in my past life, but I felt sorry for them.
I wouldn't give up this time for any promotion, for any trip to a foreign country.
Life must be a balance. I think I have finally figured that part out.
Now, back to Lilly...