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I want to do to you what springtime does to the cherry blossoms -PN
I teach.
high school.
We started the new term today. I am exhausted--completely spent. Yet, I am way behind in grading and planning. Auditions are tomorrow-- I shouldn't be writing now.
But honestly after my first day of grammar and comp., emphasizing the importance of writing, I have to take pause and exhail.
People who don't work in the field of education don't have a clue as to what we do.
I find it frustrating that the general public is oblivious to the workload, the insane amount of energy and skill it takes to successfully teach teenagers and the pride we take in our life's work.
I suppose I should join the ranks of the mediocre; those who don't put heart into their work. After all, I am JUST a high school teacher. Grrr...
You try connecting to kids; giving them purpose, knowledge, modeling, a safe place to take risks, freedom to dream, to trust, to love something bigger than themselves.
OK, done with that. Now, on to kaisen...
Stuff I am currently listening to:
M. Ward 2003 Transfiguration of Vincent
Kaki King 2004 Legs to make us longer
Shins wincing the night away
Dean and Britta back numbers
new stuff soon to pick up:
Andrew Bird
Arcade Fire
The Diviners, Jim Leonard, Jr.
Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Steve Martin
Spring is rapidly approaching and I am terrified.
OK, back to werk.