And I've got a lot of things I'd like to say...
Thanks for the cheer
I hope you didn't mind
My bending your ear
But this torch that I found, It's gotta be drowned
Or it's gonna explode
Make it one for my baby
And one more for the road
Gee, thanks Frank...or was it Billie who said it best?
I dunno.
November 5. Two years and two days since I blew the joint and started fresh. Still, it looms like it was yesterday. Bad memories usually do.
I am unusually calm for the season. I hate HATE the holidays.
Never used to. It just seems the family has become more and more a glorified ideal than a reality for me. Same with relationships, actually.
This time of year is tough for everyone who is single. But when people say that it reminds me of the same rhetoric I hear when people defend Shakespeare and why his works are still relevant today. The same tired response. Explain that to a mostly aliterate society who don't plan to vote this Tuesday. They are too busy shopping at Walmart.
I have "let go" of a few more hangers-on men. These are men who are not able to return calls, emails or common communication exchanges in a timely manner. These are men who when invited to an event they wait until the day of to text the woman and say they "feel bad but would not be good company..."
THEN! They drop a line randomly just to keep the poor woman hanging on but the exchange means nothing to him.
These are also men who are seeing someone, whether seriously or casually, and want to keep their options open. Disgusting. I want to call up the oblivious girlfriend and fill her in on the boyfriend's extra curricular flirting. That will stop the wedding planning right away. But not that I would know anything about this. Shit, it has never happened to me three times or more in the last year.
So what else? I need a project. I am currently bored and boring.
Time to change that. Do I sound bitter or jaded? Both, perhaps?
Good. At least I am transparent.
And you?