

When I have a series of setbacks, or potential ones, I have to stop before things spiral out of hand.
There are things that are out of my control. Like the weather, for instance. Who would have expected a foot of snow to fall in less than 2 days?
Still, it has thrown my whole work schedule out of whack, contributed to a cracked windshield and a three day hiatus from tech rehearsals and the start of the choreography for the musical. Not to mention throwing my workout schedule completely off. I live by schedules and bells...

The idle time has been good in other areas; for it has forced me to slow down. I guess one could compare the paralysis to an injury of some kind, where the surgeon orders you to stay off your knee for six weeks until the wound heals.
I guess this is nature's way of healing me.

Lately I have noticed my anger has started to rise to the surface and with very little provoking. I hate the way I handle situations where I should be more rational and cool. Instead, I resort back to defense mode and shut down, or "slice and dice" the person towards which the anger is directed. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. And instead of just saying that, I act out.

Show is in 1 week. I have been known to perform miracles before--but this one I am not so sure.
Lots on my mind today. Hopefully a long run with my new (old) Michael Jackson as well as The Police Synchronicity will get the levels down to a more manageable place.

"..With one breath,
with one flow,
you will know:

A sweet trance,
a dream dance,
a shared romance:


"your laughter"

Next to the sea in the autumn,
your laughter must raise
its foamy cascade,
and in the spring, love,
I want your laughter like
the flower I was waiting for,
the blue flower, the rose
of my echoing country.
fm. 'your laughter" by Pablo Nerudo

Here in the depths of winter, I find myself longing for the warmth of spring days. Usually with them comes the promise of new life or rebirth, and new beginnings.
For me, it starts with the scent of earth. She has a musky odor that saturates. I could breathe March air long into September.

The birds are another tell-tale sign for me. Their song changes to reflect the mating time and celebration of life...
(will write more later)