A circumstance beyond our control, oh oh oh oh
The phone, the tv and the news of the world
Got in the house like a pigeon from hell, oh oh oh oh
Threw sand in our eyes and descended like flies
Put us back on the train
Oh, back on the chain gang
The powers that be
That force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what theyve done to you
But Ill die as I stand here today
Knowing that deep in my heart
Theyll fall to ruin one day
For making us part
I found a picture of you, oh oh oh oh
Those were the happiest days of my life
Like a break in the battle was your part, oh oh oh oh
In the wretched life of a lonely heart
Now were back on the train
Oh, back on the chain gang
(Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders)
I have been wanting to write for some time.
Now is not a good time-but I can't wait to put this out there.
While my girl sat by me, I broke out the instruments for the first time in years--practically when she was in the womb was the last time I played. My left hand almost completely crippled by scar tissue, it makes playing painful and almost impossible now.
Still, I tuned up the banjo and guitars and resorted back to memory to what I could do.
I fell into my usual songs I learned by ear by playing the records in my upstairs bedroom. This was the way I spent most of my weekend and evening time growing up--escaping the isolation and loneliness I felt even at 15.
I started in on the above song, one I have not played, uttered or heard in over 4 years. It came naturally, the way most kinesthetic things do to me--the words a little harder to come by. I remember the text the first time I read it written out on scrap paper-his spider-like scribble--black ink.
I was lost in a wonderful-terrible memory and singing full voice. I was gone for an instant, back to that Saturday in April, in the garage off of Clear Creek... and she brought me back--telling me my song hurt her ears.
Well, she had heard it before.