I was enjoying a relaxing, slow-paced morning in bed Saturday, listening to roots for breakfast on the radio and reading a thieved copy of Vanity Fair.
This was a luxury--still in bed at 815 on any day. I was basking in knowing I had no obligations from now until midnight and beyond.
There is something delightful in reading a magazine from cover to cover without interruption. Wishing that I had a copy of The Sun, which I also frequently lift from various offices around the Bloomington business community, I settled for Vanity Fair. The above quote came from this January 2006 issue.
Life has been grand. More than grand, it has been stellar. Not wanting to jynx my new-found suerta, I will leave it that.
Spring is about to unveil itself here--starting off with earth's delightful dewy smell in the morning, along with a sky that changes colors by the minute. I will enjoying my deck and pasture view soon, very soon.
My daughter is a perfectly charming replica of me and becoming more and more fun as time moves on. We share a passion for dinosaurs and singing. I love her.
My favorite time is mornings. I wake and listen to the radio with her and we hold each other. Funny, how when going without close contact with other humans for long periods of time how even the smallest display of affection can turn ones heart up-side-down. Listening to her soft breathing as she lies still, her tiny hand searching for my protective arm-these are the moments I live for.
Intersting how love finds you when you are ready. It has taken many years to come around but I think the healing is almost complete. Amazing people start to cross your path and their companionship is more rich, meaningful and valued than any beer drinking-dart throwing buddy. If I forget to tell you--thank you.