It has been an interesting one. Lots of surprises--all good.
Admittedly, I have been living off gift cards and the kindness of strangers.
Saw Oliver! front row on NYE. Best new year's eve I have had in years. and years.
Also explored the inside of the West Baden Resort Hotel in southern Indiana.

Spent some time down on the River

That was nice. Wish the stay could have been longer though. Maybe next time.
Found my new place to hang out:

Good, honest folk, great atmosphere, no letches, good energy.
Listed here are my top 10 albums of 2007. Should be in The Ryder next issue.
10. Suzanne Vega Beauty & Crime
In 2007 we welcome back Suzanne V. with a grown-up sound and a tasty album. I love concept albums and her themes surrounding New York/Beauty/Crime are lovely. “Frank and Ava” is especially de-lish. Other nice surprises are included on this release.
9. (Various Artists) Sound track to the motion picture I’m Not There
Not sure if it is fair to include a various artists album in the top-10 but this 2-cd soundtrack includes my favorite artists covering Bob Dylan songs. The movie may not receive high marks but the music ROCKS. To me taking great Dylan songs and listening to my favorite musicians playing them is a win-win.
8. Feist The Reminder
Putting “1,2,3,4” aside as the catchiest earworm in the history of pop music, Reminder is a solid album. Leslie’s new release rocks-- no doubt about it. If you don’t believe me, check out “Sea Lion”. Her voice is like buttah baby.
7. The Greyboy Allstars What Happened to Television
Television was the surprise of the year for me. I was fortunate enough to meet the band in the ‘FHB studio at an interview back in the spring when they played Jakes. This is a great hip-hop, funky album from top to bottom.
6. Andrew Bird Armchair Apocrypha
Lyrics, musicianship, and folk-pop complexity make this album top-10 worthy. Not to mention, seeing Bird up close and personal gives the listener an added appreciation for his musical genius.
5. Arcade Fire Neon Bible
AF rumored by an old friend of mine to be the next Rolling Stones of our generation, this album runs the gamut: passion, pressing issues of planes crashing into buildings and going where no one else goes blows me away. Not to mention, recording in their own church in Canada? Get out.
4. The New Pornographers The Challengers
If I may be so bold, Challengers is NP’s best album to date. It is power-pop classic at its finest; great melodies, lyrics and up-tempo tunes. Neko Case’s familiar voice cuts through whether it be the ballad of “Failsafe” or belting it with “Challengers” all and all the record is a fine piece of work.
3. Iron and Wine The Shepherd’s Dog
Most people have a love-em-or-hate-em reaction to Iron and Wine. I was pretty impressed with The Shepherd’s Dog. Sam really mixes it up: one track feels tribal in nature, another bluesy, and still another jazzy. I appreciate Beam’s ability to test the waters while remaining true to his roots. Good mellow stuff here.
2. Wilco Sky Blue Sky
Being a die-hard Wilco fan, SBS was a shoe-in for my top 10. Still, Tweedy’s lyrics and the band’s mature, mellow style make this a solid album and a great listen—not to mention a fantastic live show. Try “You Are My Face”. Lovely…
1. The Shins Wincing the Night Away
Wincing came out early in 2007 and yet it remains in my continuous play lineup. My MOM even liked this one! I can take this album on a road trip, to the gym, on a run, and back home and have yet to put it away. Kudos to The Shins for capturing—and keeping my attention in 2007!
Been working on Wizard of Oz with a few dedicated students. I laugh more with these kids than with most adults I know.
And my sweet Lilly--good QT with her. She got a BIG WHEEL this year.
Happy 2008.

I am looking forward to what lies ahead...sui generis