Thank GOD! I was able (thanks to blogger help) to salvage part of my blog from the throws of evil viruses. Who has fucking time to sit around and create programs that destroy other people's stuff? What assholes.
I was reminded of one of my major peeves this a.m. when getting my daughter ready for day care: loud people in the morning. I cringed with every yip, with every playful (and loud) tickle, with every stomach kiss and in my haste to flee, I passed her over to him, got in my car and drove away in silence ahhhh.
simplicity, acoustic guitar, puns, radio programming, music, intuition, Sat-Nam, ambiance, earthy hands, form, composition, imperfection, spring flowers, down comforters, harmony, middle c and thunderstorms.
Thank GOD!
I was able (thanks to blogger help) to salvage part of my blog from the throws of evil viruses. Who has fucking time to sit around and create programs that destroy other people's stuff? What assholes.
I was reminded of one of my major peeves this a.m. when getting my daughter ready for day care: loud people in the morning. I cringed with every yip, with every playful (and loud) tickle, with every stomach kiss and in my haste to flee, I passed her over to him, got in my car and drove away in silence ahhhh.
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