
seany boy

People are funny. Why are we so afraid of what we don't understand? We are so afraid to take risks, to be vulnerable, to express how we really feel. And finally, when the time is right, it is too late. Those people are gone. The only thing left is regret.
Here's to no regrets....
Had dinner with two of my heroes tonight. Our annimated conversation was energizing. We all opted for dessert, something I rarely do, and the discussion turned to comparing relationships to homemade pie--each one is a little different. We talked of savoring each bite, knowing that after the last bite it would be gone forever.
"But if the restaurant has a recipe, shouldn't it taste the same?" I asked.
The young friend to my right thought about it, "No. Nope. Besides Rad-e-mac," she sighed raising her cheesecake laden fork, "it's time for you to try out a new restaurant."
Huh. Good, honest advice from a 17 year-old.
It's funny we all find out we die
supposedly our souls head for the sky

But I'll proove to me and not them
I'll find a place inside the wind
Seany boy, better get yerself in school.

People who know so much about this life
they love to stab and jab you with that knife
but the knive's too short to penetrate
'cause my mind's too small to calculate
Seany boy, better get yourself in school.