
"Flee Immorality" --2 posts in 2 days!

That was today's warning from the Church of Christ on Second Street.

I have been spending a lot of time talking to strangers or partial aquaintances over coffee. Men mostly. The age of these folks range from mid-30's to 50's. Fascinating. What people know. What people are willing to discuss on the street with a non-threating looking person like me. Sometimes they are embarrased about having to smoke. Sometimes they think they know more than me. Most times I could care less what they think, other times I am riveted-- always I am interested in how they present themselves.

I marvel at how one man is looking for perfection in a woman.. "a saint, with model beauty and a scientist's brain." And yet he fails to recognize his own shortcomings. And why would she pick up with you? I would love to ask, but I nod and smile, sip my latte and remind him to look in the mirror.

At this upscale bar I frequent I am often greeted by a caustic Marine. "Married twice-- none of 'em took," is how he puts it. He is an opinionated pig. He drinks Guiness. I love to banter with him, our voices occasionally raising too loud in heated discussion the barkeep looks at me as to say, "don't push his buttons--we don't need a scene." Ok Victor, we'll wrap it up for now.

Today was this guy I call "The Suit". Hails from Houston. Three cups of black coffee in less than an hour. Socially inept or just extremely uncomfortable in his skin. He doesn't get out much. Maybe I made him nervous. I am sure there's a story behind that one.

I am not interested in any of these men. I do enjoy sitting beside them as a pretty young lady breezes past to witness their animal reaction. I like to drink with them, to laugh with them, to fight with them, but would never go home with them.
Michael Caine is more my speed (only 40 years younger, please.)
Seeking a modern day Michael Caine..smart, funny, hard-working, well-read, gentleman, insightful, musical, sensitive, passionate, earthy...does he exist in my world? I'll try Brown County today...


Butik said...

I was put on a similar situation too this weekend I was in the same car with a bunch of guys I know of course talking about every race possible they could see on the streets and complaining ang cursing about them and this is not the first time and well I know these guys and I would not say something normally but that time I said why...is it because you are so perfect you can't stand other races or gays

grey matters said...

Those types of conversations are disappointing to me. If you are in a group of people who are bashing someone it is difficult to stand your ground. One on one you at least have a chance to be heard-
and then disqualified. I hope they didn't refer to you as the weaker sex. Ha ha.

grey matters said...

And then occasionally, justice is served: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050623/ap_on_re_us/civil_rights_killings;_ylt=Aslzw39mJfShzFv22Dv76Tes0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--

grey matters said...

If you couldn't read the article, here was the headline:
Ex-Klansman Gets 60 Years for 1964 Murders
Too bad it took them over 40 years to convict the man.