mama and baby bear outside MCPL
a jiffy treat
One of my favorite things to do with my daughter is to take her walking down Kirkwood. We visit with the Bears, go to the library and her favorite part, get ice cream with sprinkles at Jiffy Treat.
Last Sunday (when these photos were taken) we stopped off at the Cinemat to return a video. The store was closed, as it was too early, but outside was Steve V (tall Steve) with two young boys. One was Japanese, the other Indian. Steve was teaching them to play Chess. Lilly and I joined the table (I have always wanted to learn chess). So there we were, under the shade of a large maple on a sweltering day in July. Steve, who appears to be English, the blonde-blue eyed German girls, a beautiful Indian boy with silky black hair, perfect olive skin and the most lovely brown eyes I have ever seen, and a young lad from Japan enjoying each other's company. It was a vivid memory for me.