
simplicity, remember?

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBecky's Michael

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLilly and cousin Michael--the terrible two

The sun is streaming through the window giving me a false sense of time. It is almost 5p.m.
Been having nightmares the past few nights. A plane crash. A chase. A murder. Ex-boyfriends. Not sure what to do with it.
The start of a new cycle--a new semester?

I missed him yesterday, or at least thought of him. What does that mean?


consise10 said...

I dont know what my dreams mean and I never want to remember them.Interesting that you choose to dwell on them though.

grey matters said...

true. I just think that dreams are the body or mind's way of telling us something. usually for me reoccuring dreams (tornado dreams) mean I am stressed.
I used to have night terrors--and according to my ex, would yell out during sleep. I still do occasionally and I catch myself. It can be unbelieveably frightening. It has been months since I rellay remember a period where I remembered my dreams so vividly. To me, that means I am going through a new period, or phase of some kind. Nothing is accidental. Hope this helps!

consise10 said...

Yea sure,i hear you grey. I agree with the subconscius mind reflecting things about our selves we supress and those supressions becoming evident or surfacing during a period of 'anaesthesia' i.e. sleep. A period where memory can easily become imagined and there fore intepretations outside of that realm become muffled.

consise10 said...

Gery I added your blog page to my 'frequently visited list'.This will hopefully generate more traffic for your fantastically expressed words/journey here.