
I told you so

My mom used to say that to me all the time.

Ever have one of those days/weeks/months where you feel you are running yourself into the ground? I usually need someone to lean on during those times. But being single-y solo and pretty much solo on all fronts, I never know where to turn. So here I am again.

Putting a show together in less than 2 months is crazy. Throw in a birthday nightmare and the holidays for good measure and you have a nervous breakdown waiting to happen. I should know better. Sometimes I think I make my goals almost impossible just to prove to myself I can do it.

But when you add in the intolerable cruelty of others and the insensitive acts of so-called friends, well, that's where I have to stop and write about it.

So what do I expect? Well,
Notice me.
Compliment me.
Share honestly with me.
Be with me.
Hold my hand when I am sad.
Acknowledge what I do.
Be proud of what I do and why I am doing it.
Let me tell you my secrets, knowing you won't tell anyone else--and you won't laugh.

It is true, I am terrible at knowing how to choose friends or even possible boyfriends. I choose people who think only of themselves. I am usually devoted to a fault, loyal to the death and will stand up for a friend even if I disagree with what they believe is true.

I would like to know what your definition of friend is.


consise10 said...

My definition is pretty much the same as yours bar the laughing...I dont mind if my friend laughs at me.To add to it though is to laugh not the surface irritating laughter but the belly aching sort.if I cant laugh like that with you then its not on!

consise10 said...

And further more I have had regrets with people who appear to be my friend and stab me in the back...i shed them like they are my second skin.I feel you on this post Grey ..thanks for sharing it.