I have finally resurfaced from the whirlwind tour. As with any trip I take, there is too much to say about it; too many moments that would not be fully understood unless you were there. I had the chance to talk with my dad last night about the trip and we whittled it down to a few highlights for this trip:
Normandy, Omaha Beach, Peace Museum
Florence in general
St Peter's Church in Vatican City
I was most surprised at how we as Americans were treated so poorly. you can definitely feel the effects of the war over the past 3 years...at least since the last time I traveled overseas.
Lots of interesting surprises on this trip. Just goes to show that if you aren't looking for something--it is then that it hits you square in the face, blows you away with awe and changes you--- forever.
Those were some beautiful pictures. Isn't it amazing how circumstances in your life can all come together at just the right time and bring you more joy than you could ever imagine. I know that that happened to me.
So you went to France and Italy...what an awakening of the senses eh? Currently my best friend in this whole entire world is in Paris and she's loving it so much she wants to make it her home,she says any where In the E.U will do her...Yours are happy pics which in all ways appear complete.
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