
censor your life

After a short brooding run today I decided to come back into my air-conditon building and write.
True, it is the weekend. True, I want to go out and enjoy it.

Still while running I was pushed into black cloud state and want to get it off my chest.

I was thinking how much I have to censor what I write on here and take the comment box out, censor what music I choose to play on the radio and censor what I say to people in passing.
It angered me today to know that I can't play certain songs any more for fear "someone is listening" and it might be interpreted wrong.

It overtakes .......you know what? I can't even write about this because..well, for this very reason.

I am done thinking about this situation and the isolated occurrence that made me feel this way. I am OVER IT and will now log out and enjoy spending time with my awesome daughter.

Fair thee well.

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