

"...Her restless heart has set its sail
She can feel the waves washing over
She knows what life with you entails
You love her strength you despise your weakness...

Your jealous heart has won the day
You can feel the darkness creeping over
She paid the man and sailed away
Leaving you your incompleteness..."
Colin Hay
fm. "Don't Wait Up"

I am allowing myself time today. I am not going to look at the clock, knowing that I need to be somewhere or expected to pick someone up, drop someone off, meet someone here or there, talk to colleagues who have returned to school....just not going to do it.

I am going to sit here and write.

Lately I have been bombarded with negative occurrences and crappy situations. I can try to look at these per usual: as a way to be stronger, to realize I am not as grounded or focused as I usually am, bad karma coming back full speed for the terrible things I have done, evil spirits taunting me because life has started to turn up. I know what they are. I just know that they have caused some stress and inconvenience for me (not to mention $$$$$).

I have blogged about this before. Things start going well and then I have a series of unrelated bad luck happenings.

Currently I am torn between my life as it was and my life as it could be. I am trying to live truthfully--for myself and for others. While rushing through the streets of London on a particularly cold and rainy day, I realized I was not doing that. I was lying to myself and to others about what it was I needed for myself. Not sure I know that what is now, but I know what it isn't.

School is fast approaching and I am not ready. Still facing these issues now is a blessing, I suppose.

Still the demons chase me, haunt me, mock me and I am running like hell find something beautiful. Something pure and beautiful. Catch me if you can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Not sure I can catch you but the chase is half of the fun.

"I think I'm in love but it makes me kinda nervous to say so..."
