Ahh, summer, glorious summer. We are moving in to the part of summer where those who SHOULD KNOW BETTER begin taunting we teachers about having to go back to work...
"So, you ready to go back?" The conversation always starts...smirk on their face, anxiously awaiting the look of horror from me.
(OH Gosh, do I have to go back to work?? No!)
These are usually people who work all year round and take long, extended vacations to southern beaches in the middle of winter.
I have about 2 1/2 weeks, thankyouverymuch.
So have been enjoying a few things lately. Others may say I have been "obsessing" I just plain like em:
1. I'm Not There the movie and soundtrack.
Yes, it is very good. And the soundtrack of various artists (which was in my top 10 of 2007-see earlier posts near dec.-jan.) jives well with the whole premise of the movie with using a variety of actors to portray Dylan. Cate Bl. is the best. Yup.
2. Bob Dylan Chronicles, vol. 1 While discussing the movies with my parent's neighbor, I learned that his wife went to school with Dylan in Grand Rapids, MI--so he handed the book to me. Lots of good stuff in here and being a late Dylan bloomer, I am finally enjoying this man and his contribution to music and the world--a few decades too late.
#3. Buddy Miles Them Changes 1970
Yes, he once was the voice of the California Raisin, but he was also the drummer for Jimi H. back in the day. He died in Feb., and the album was brought back to the surface. Great stuff. I can't stop playing it. Which leads to...
#4. Johnny "Guitar" Watson Funk Anthology 2005
You tell me that "Superman Lover" doesn't rock...that's what I'm talking about.
#5. Running and thinking. or thinking and running--anyway, the whole detatchment of both activities while doing them is a remarkable daily ritual. I find myself wondering how my legs are still going and how far I have gone before actually realizing I was moving. Must be the creative process well at work in me. Similar to how new ideas sprout while I am taking a bath (usually in winter).
#6. My body's time clock. My clock has happily shifted to a wake up call of 7:36 a.m. Usually I have to pee, so get up and then cuddle up a for about 15 more minutes. It is a luxury that will be gone in a few weeks, so I am basking in it.
Congrats and good luck to the newlyweds and the mid-lifers who recently purchased motorcycles. I think you both have something in common...
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