
ice on the welcome mat

looking for the consummate food and ultimate music..
I think I found them both today. (verse 35)

Things on my mind:

Red Flags
Unnecessary Sorries
Music to get lost in
Personal power
Dreaming big
Embracing color
cool temps
photography and changing scenery
subtle differences
pleasure reading


"a lover's prayer"

I made a lover’s prayer
I made a lover’s prayer
Then watched the sky
Then wanted to cry
S’ only you and I
And how I try
I made a lover’s prayer

I made a lover’s prayer
I made a lover’s prayer
Help me rise above
What I’m thinking of
Just a little more love
Just a little more love

I made a lover’s prayer
I made a lover’s prayer
I made a lover’s prayer

-Gillian Welch fm. Soul Journey

Looking forward to the following:

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world
Get Carter
Sweet Smell of Success
My Man Godfrey
HUD and
The Asphalt Jungle

Also, watching The Quiet American again.

Next weekend I am ushering for the Carrie Newcomer/Krista Detour show at BuZ Chum.
Also, hoping to see Zen Master, Robert Joshin Althouse next Friday.

Lots to be thankful for-however, this time of year always stirs up sad memories.
Hope you are well.