
Chrome and Steel

all of a sudden
the girl of my dreams
she never asks
she always screams...
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com Into the sunset (3 shades of blue)

do you see her face
in a puddle at my feet
as i bend down
to kiss the street
and i'll come runnin' to her
and i'll come runnin' to her

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Abe

her sleep is troubled
her face will twitch
she wakes up angry
and i'm bewitched
her smile is forced
she's always late
but she's not sorry
and i capitulate
and i'll come runnin' to her
and i'll come runnin' to her

Image hosted by Photobucket.com charles c deam wilderness Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com steve

all of a sudden
the girl of my dreams
she never asks
she always screams


Indiana University through a 92 degree lense.

Photobucket was not cooperating tonight, so I had to download these one at a time. It took forever. I enjoyed walking through sections of campus today-even if it was so hot you could fry an egg...
The steam heat was rising, leaving a haze everywhere I went.

The rain and cooler temps are on their way. My wind chime is going wild outside, telling me it won't be long. I love when the wind changes, bringing on the electrical storms. From my apartment, I can watch it brewing. The spiders are skittering all along the cement--like crabs on the sandy beaches come high tide. They know it's coming. Did I mention I am terrified of spiders?

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my favorite trees

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Image hosted by Photobucket.com The Bell Tower

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Beta Well House

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Inside Beta Well House

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Maxwell Hall, 1851

Image hosted by Photobucket.com tired bones

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Two Roads diverged...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com "fouse!"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com me and my birks

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Sycamore in Black and White

There were many more, but I just don't have the patience tonight to download them all. It was a glorious day to photograph! Which are your favs? Enjoy.


2000 miles

He's gone,
2000 miles,
Is very far.
The snows falling down.
It's colder day by day.
I miss you.
The children were singing,
He'll be back at Christmas time.

Listened to that today in the studio and wept like a baby.
Along with one close to home, Back on the Chain Gang.

It is official. I am going to see Willie Nelson at the Vogue for $100 in about 3 weeks, so I will survive. Hopefully The Green Cards will open for him. Their Weather and Water release is nice. Very nice.

I also got the Campbell Brothers Can you feel it gospel-funk soul album and a special pirated copy of Old Crow Medicine Show from my friends at Tracks. Looking fwd to a listen.

I was reminded that school is starting in three weeks. Ha ha. That is funny. I laughed in the faces of both people who reminded me-- My dear friend Pat, who has to return to the school of doom as well as a phd candidate getting his degree in secondary education (schmarmy schmarmy blah blah blah..) I asked him if he had worked in pubic education. He had, in several states.
"So why did you decided to go into higher ed?" I asked.

"I didn't like the administration at any of the schools."

There were several other unmentionable dealbreakers in my very brief conversation with Mr. G, but good fodder for a short story, of that I am sure.
I urged him to return home quickly to work on his 'formal treatise' and not to commiserate with the likes of the the simple-minded--me.

How many more of these types of meetings must one encounter?
Just goes hand-in-hand with my personal soul journey, I guess.

Fortunately, there was wine and cheese-its awaiting me at home--and my laptop. ahhh--sanctuary!