
great tranquility and order

"Tanto monta, monta tanto, Isabel como Fernando."

I had an opportunity to spend some time with an amazing artist this weekend who has his studio in the old Bare Essentials building.
I was captivated by his work in the window as I would pass by on the way to Soma. I love oil painting; it reminded me of growing up--mom had a studio set up. Later, Carolyn took to oils and the summers were spent with the projector set up in the kitchen, slides of Degas ballerinas cast on the fridge.

I never thought much about it--but the scent of the oils drifted toward the outside patio seating and took me back.
His works made me want to cry-- each one so different; so full of depth and pain and suffering...

He recently completed Billie Holiday.
Dorothy Parker is next, followed by none other than Isabella.

His interpretations of Hester Pryne, Saint Joan and Elizabeth, Medea and Ophelia were unbelievable. I have known quite a few painters in this life--but this one--this one I could see myself in all of his works, I could talk to him for hours about these women, standing there in that space, looking at each one....

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