

...so when you think you’re on the fast track
you find it’s just a cul-de-sac back
in that adult lifestyle community
where all your little boys, your action toys are duty free

so i wonder what you got your persona for
cause there’s a 2-for-one down at the corner-store
and i wonder could ya pep it up a bit
you know throw a fit
you go ahead and dance
i’ll just sit

but if you think i’m wasting your time again
no, you’re wasting mine
when you’re playing for a prime-time dream
the c n b scene
now i’m just another split in your seam the i in your team...

Sometimes that is what it feels like for me. Today is one of those Sundays when it's freezing outside, cloudly and the only thing that sounds good is to bundle up under the covers.
I am playing the what-is-wrong-with-me game again in my head. Can't help it. It's so hard to be happy with myself when it seems no one else is.

Been reading Invisible Mosnters lately. Very disturbing book. Can't necessarily relate to the characters but the relationships I can.

Still hard to make it through Sunday.

1 comment:

consise10 said...

The winters are difficult I agree....Im listening grey.