
St. Valentine's Freeze

room with a view...outside my back deck: the computer does NO justice to the photos.

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Wish I could capture these better.

Hope you are warm and happy today. Dodge the arrow!

And some other thoughts a day later...
The halls are quieting still. A few linger, shuffling scraps of debris underfoot-- their voices taper as they pass through the cavernous hallway. Within minutes there is silence.

I sit alone. Still.
The hours of night stretch before me like a vast, open road-- an eternity to me.
Tonight it is not about counting hours until the dawn, but living moment to moment contented to accept whatever may occur.

I marvel at the simple joys of life:

The peace of sleep that passes over me,
The beauty of night and trees,
of tight harmony in song,
the passion of words spoken truthfully,
the pleasure-pain of physical exertion,
the profundity of love staring you directly in the face,
and the weightlessness of water….

And although nothing is certain
Nothing is known for sure,
I am here and so are you.
That’s all.
That’s all I need.


consise10 said...

Ohh I love your blog Grey..and the way You express your self.. It's like I'm taken On a journey to some place familiar at times.The pictures are unbelivable..how can It snow so much when down here we are suffering drought conditions! This world is mysterious!

grey matters said...

mysterious indeed.