
arms open; palms out

Billy Bragg Lyrics
Someday, Some Morning, Sometime Lyrics
wow whee.
It is summer and it has been the easiest transition on record for me. Been doing lots of fun stuff and embracing my idle time. The mind is still active and contemplating big change for me and the inner work continues.

The insane flooding and storms that have left south central Indiana paralyzed have been a reminder to me that stuff is really not important. I hear talk from family and friends about basements being flooded and costing thousands of dollars, never putting stuff in cardboard boxes for storage, how much the running cost of a blower is per hour, etc. and I am glad that #1 I live on a hill and out of a flood plane and #2 that I have very little at this point to lose.
I did have yet another run in with computer bullshit-- and here's how the story goes:

After living without internet at home for a year, I decided to splurge for the summer and get it at home.
Day 1 Scheduled appt., Guy came over, tried to download antivirus package--no go. HUGE STORM knocking out power for hours. FUCK.
Day 2 turn on computer COMPUTER INFECTED WITH VIRUSES unfortnuately, the internet WON'T START
growl..i hate technology...
so, my 3rd time losing everything on the computer. LESSON LEARNED-- who cares? it's just music and files and pictures.
Make more music.
Make more memories.
Keep writing.

oh yeah--and the abigail washburn and sparrow queartet show at the bird sunday was incredible. great musicians--great music.

If you are reading this, I hope you are well. I think of you often.

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