
Hope Ride

Have been lax in posting lately. I guess I've been busy. It's hard to believe I have been back to work for six weeks. I've got great kids and things seem to be going well all around.

Last weekend I rode in my first organized bike event, the Hope Ride, near Columbus Indiana. We were going to do 13 miles, but ended up finishing out at 32. It felt great! So up next is the Hilly 100. I mentioned to my biking partner Kathleen that I didn't feel like it was hard work and therefore not really exercise. Granted, the course was totally flat--not a single hill--but long. I know the Hilly will not be so kind. Still, it's great to have a tangible goal out there to push me physically.

Fall is coming. I am trying to be positive about it this year. Usually I get down come October and November. Maybe I am turning a corner. I think so....


consise10 said...

Keep pedaling Grey the steeper the better! Just dropping in after a long while to leave u a smile!Always liked your page xoxoox

grey matters said...

Thanks Con. Been wondering where you have been. Hope you are ok! Grey