
from page 302

Just two lonely people who spent some time together for awhile.

Couldn't sleep tonight. So got up from the futon and decided to find the quote that had been tormenting me for the last week. I opened right to the page.
Funny, it seemed much more profound when I read it in context. I guess everything in life is.

I just pulled out the evil Kettle Chips. Sometimes, after eating a bowl of them, I have the same guilty feeling the next morning that I do when I have had a few too many drinks. Generally I never eat when I am worried about something, so hopefully this is a passing fancy.

Yes, lots on my mind as of late. I can see the end to discomfort and unhappiness just brimming above the horizon. I have savored the sweet taste of it. (I just emailed a friend and told him how my luck was similar to the Titanic.) Well I thought it was funny.

I hate waiting...

One for the night
One for the dark
Taste each other
For a moment, then goodbye
Hold her eyes
Share the same air
Oh lay it down
Oh lay it bare

"Merge, A Vessel, A Harbour"

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