
"The Long Day Called Thursday"

Newly wakened, I recognized the day--
it was yesterday,
it was yesterday with another name,
it was a friend I knew to be lost
who came back to surprise me.


I went through the 'stuff' again today. Packed and unpacked it.
Separated it into piles: categories--people--places--lessons learned--mistakes and regret--memories and reminders.
And then I put it back in the drawer until next time.

Today was another 2-mile run with the above 'stuff'. And when I finished,
I filed it away. Walking back through the long, dew-laden grass I came back refreshed and happy.

The music flowed on my show today, and I caught up with an old friend afterward. He was making a tape for me of his show--the songs included things we shared, which I thought was sweet. I miss Paul quite a bit now.

Went Contra-dancing and had a great time. I am amazed at how dance--and more specifically--touch-- bring people together like nothing else. Life is good tonight.

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